Do I need to download Zoom to join?
In order to properly join the exercises and breakout rooms throughout, you will need to download Zoom on your device at
Once you’ve downloaded Zoom on your device, all you need to do to join the event each day is click on the [JOIN MAIN STAGE] button at the top of your Event Dashboard when doors open each day.
Your Zoom Room will automatically open through the app and you will be all set!
What device should I use?
You can join using a mobile device BUT we highly recommend a large screen - laptop or TV even ideally, a tablet could work as well. If you want to join through your TV, use AirPlay (Apple) or Chromecast (Google) to display the video on a connected TV but you will still need to operate through your device with Zoom.
Zoom Backgrounds (if applicable)
There will be Zoom Backgrounds available on the Dashboard for members to download and use throughout the event.
Is it required for clients to be on video?
Darren and the other attendees will be able to see you (which enhances your experience and theirs). It is not required but highly recommended for engagement with Darren and other participants when we go into shares and exercises.
How can I change my name?
Contact the help desk to update your name.
I forgot my password
There is an option to change your password or reset on the dashboard landing page.
I have multiple devices, can I use more than 1?
You can sign into the dashboard on more than one device, however, you can only join the main stage Zoom room on one device at a time.
The latest version of Zoom audio issues
I have a Lenovo laptop and was not able to activate my camera
I am having Zoom Video Issues
I am having trouble with the audio in Zoom
How to uninstall Zoom
If using an iPhone during the event
Make sure you go to your phone's web browser settings and ALLOW pop-ups. Make sure you have the Zoom App downloaded on your phone.