Do I get DarrenDaily On-Demand automatically if I am subscribed to DarrenDaily?
Yes, it will automatically download to your device if you are subscribed. If you don’t listen to the episodes after a certain amount of time they will pause downloading and you will have to manually click to resume the episodes downloading.
What is the difference between DarrenDaily and DarrenDaily On-Demand?
DarrenDaily On-Demand is the companion podcast to DarrenDaily. It features older archived episodes of DarrenDaily. Like DarrenDaily, the podcast DarrenDaily On-Demand will publish 5 new episodes each week. However, these episodes will be published all on the same day, Tuesday. Giving the listener the opportunity to listen to them back to back or at their convenience during the week.
Also, DarrenDaily On-Demand does expire, however, each episode will expire after 30 days. Unlike DarrenDaily which expires after 72 hours.
Why do the DarrenDarily On-Demand episodes expire?
DarrenDaily On-Demand episodes expire 30 days after their initial release. The goal of the podcast is not to flood the world with more content. It is to help you marinate your mind on things you already know but might need reminders of. Here is a great video where Darren Hardy explains why DarrenDaily, the origin of the DarrenDaily On-Demand expires. The same reason we expire DarrenDaily applies to DarrenDaily On-Demand but as the purpose is different the DarrenDaily On-Demand are available for longer.
How do I share DarrenDaily On-Demand?
A great way to share DarrenDaily On-Demand is to share the website This allows you to share the entire podcast and let the person you are sharing with choose what platform they want to download it on.
To share a specific episode from your device or platform choose below:
From Apple Podcasts App:
This process will share the entire podcast and display the most recent episode list to the receiver.
- Open the apple podcast app
- Navigate to your library tap on “Shows” and choose the DarrenDaily On-Demand show
- From the main screen tap the purple circle containing the …
4. Now tap share, the bottom option, on the pop up menu.
5. In the new pop up menu choose how you want to share the podcast (ex. Message, email, Facebook etc.) Tap the platform of your choice.
6. Add contact info if required, and include a message then send!
From iTunes Desktop
1. Open iTunes on your desktop computer
2. Choose podcasts from the dropdown menu in the upper left corner of the iTunes App screen
3. Click store at the top center of the screen
4. Type DarrenDaily in the top right hand search bar of the iTunes App screen
5. Click the Podcast logo at the bottom of the screen under “Podcasts”
6. Click the down arrow to the right of the Subscribe box under the logo on the left hand side of the screen
7. Choose the platform from the drop down menu that you want to share the podcast on or click copy link from the same menu
From the Stitcher App
This will allow you to share a link to the entire podcast.
1. Open the Stitcher app on your mobile device
2. Navigate to the account icon at the bottom of the screen
3. In the favorites menu tap on DarrenDaily On-Demand podcast icon
4. Tap the “i” icon the upper right hand corner.
5. In the podcast information pop up swipe up and choose share from the list of options in the white box.
6. In the new pop up menu choose how you want to share the podcast (ex. Message, email, Facebook etc.) Tap the platform of your choice.
7. Add contact information if required, a message etc. Then Share!
From Stitcher on the Desktop
This will allow you to share the entire podcast:
1. Go to
2. Search DarrenDaily On-Demand in the search bar or Log into your account and navigate to your favorite podcasts
3. Tap DarrenDaily On-Demand
4. On the podcasts homepage click “Share This Show” located under the podcast logo just above the podcast description on the left hand side of the screen
5. Click the button of the platform you would like to share to from the popup menu (options here are Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn)
6. A new popup window will appear. Add a message of your choice and click share/post